Microsoft Excel

The menus on the interface of Microsoft Excel 2007 are similar to Microsoft Word 2007.

Type of Data on Excel

Type of data on Microsoft Excel can be viewed in the menu of Home > Number. the default type provided by Microsoft Excel is General type. To view the other types, click the down-direction arrow which is in the right side of the bar.

It is quite common to have various writings for one type of data as the above picture. All of the writings represent the same date. There are several date representations commonly used in different countries such as in Indonesia and in the international world. To select more specific format, click the expand menu which is located in the right side underneath the bar like the following picture (circled area). Some data formatting can be operated here, including local format setting such as date formatting in Indonesia.

Auto Number

On the Microsoft Excel, there is a facility of auto number to create common pattern of number.


On Microsoft Excel, there is a facility of reference to refer or gain the value of the other cell.

Kinds of address

- The same address not containing the sign of $ is called as relative address. The examples of relative addresses are A1, B2, C3, A55, AZ42, and BA22.

- The address of cell containing the sign of $ both for the column and the row is called as absolute address. The example of absolute addresses are $A$1, $AA$1, $B$100, $AB$1234, and $X$9.

- The addresses which one of them containing the sign of $ for the column or row is called as mixed address. The examples of mixed address are $A1, $AA1, AB$1, AB$1234, $X900, and $AC89.

The access of the value of a cell can be done not only in the same sheet, but also in different sheets.

We can access the other sheet both in the same file and in different files directly by clicking the cell. It really helps when the name of the file containing space or the name of tab sheet is too long. Tab sheet or file name containing space has its own way to write the reference.


Function is a feature having important role in Microsoft Excel. This facility allows us to process the data by using the available function provided by Microsoft Excel. Hence, we can use it without knowing its complexity.

As function in mathematics, the function of Microsoft Excel shares the same concept.

A function must have these three criteria :

- The name of the function, in calculus, it is symbolized by ƒ

- Parameter, in calculus, it is gained from the domain of the function

- Return value, in calculus, it is one of the members of range

Some functions related to numbers (Mathematics)

Function Return Value

ABS Absolute value of a number

COS Cosines value of a number

EXP The value e of an exponent of a number

FACT The factorial value of a number

GCD Greatest common divisor (GCD)

LN The logarithm value of a number with the basis of e

LOG The logarithm value of a number with certain basis

LOG10 The logarithm value of a number with the basis of 10

MOD The residual value from a division of two numbers

PI The π value

POWER The value of number squared by other number

RADIANS The conversion value from degree to radian

ROUND The rounding off to certain digit

SIN The sine value of a number

SQRT Square value of a number

SUM Summation value of two or more numbers

TAN Tangent value of an angle/number

To use the function on Microsoft Excel, started by the same sign which is ( = ).

Some functions related to text

Function Return Value

CHAR return the character from certain character code

CODE return the character code from the first letter of a text

CONCATENATE combine some texts into one text

EXACT check if the value of 2 text is similar

FIND find a text/part of text on a text

LEFT return a group of characters from the left side of a text

LEN return a length of a text

LOWER change text into lower case

MID return a line of characters from certain position of a text

PROPER capitalize the first letter of a word in a text

REPLACE replace certain character into text

RIGHT return the characters in the right side of the text

SEARCH search a text or part of text in a text

SUBTITUTE substitute certain text with other text in a text

TRIM trim a space of a text

UPPER Upper case the characters in a text

Various functions discussed above can be viewed directly from the main reference , which is the help of Microsoft Excel. The following are the steps :

1. Open the application of excel

2. Press F1

3. Select function reference

4. Select the expected sub category

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